bolsonaro para Leigos

O presidente do PL, Valdemar Costa Neto, foi alvo por 1 mandado do busca, mas acabou preso em flagrante por posse irregular por arma do fogo. Uma pepita de ouro foi apreendida com ele.

” When a female member of the Chamber of Deputies called him a rapist, Bolsonaro responded by saying, “I wouldn’t rape you because you don’t deserve it.” Later, having stated that he was not a rapist, he added that if he were, he would not rape the congresswoman in question because she was “not his type.” Commenting on the descendants of the fugitive African slaves who organized the

Were a federal case to still be pending on Inauguration Day, Mr. Trump could simply use his power as president to force the Justice Department to drop the matter, as he has suggested he might do.

The assessment referred to Bolsonaro's attempt to mine gold in Bahia state; according to him, the activity was only a "hobby and mental hygiene". In 1987, he studied in the Officers Improvement School, where he made the Artillery Advanced Course. Bolsonaro's first rise to publicity came in 1986 when he gave an interview to the news magazine Veja. He complained about low military salaries and claimed that the High Command was firing officers due to budgetary cuts and not because they were displaying 'deviations of conduct', as the command was telling the press.

O fato do a bala deter passado pela orelha de Trump significa que a energia potencial devastadora contida na bala não foi transferida.

His ear is still bandaged, the attempt on his vlogdolisboa life is still fresh in the nation’s mind, and the ardent supporter who was killed by a bullet meant for Donald J. Trump has yet to be laid to rest.

A spokesman for Mr. Trump’s campaign did not immediately respond to questions about what role Mr. Trump played in bringing the sneakers to market and where any profits would go.

Cerca por um minuto depois por cair, e perante este suspense de toda a audiência, Donald Trump levantou-se usando sangue na orelha e de punho pelo ar, aliviando os apoiantes, qual festejaram ao perceber de que o candidato estava natural.

As perspectivas do presidente estão a ser desafiadas por altas taxas de juro e preços elevados qual estão causando sofrimento a milhões do americanos.

Trump has given no official info about his medical care for days since an assassination attempt Four days after a gunman’s attempt to assassinate former President Donald Trump, the public is still in the dark over the extent of his injuries, what treatment the Republican presidential nominee received in the hospital, and whether there may be any long-term effects on his health.

Várias pesquisas mostram de que uma minoria de eleitores republicanos poderá hesitar em votar no ex-presidente se ele for considerado culpado após 1 julgamento.

America’s toxic political climate faces calls to ‘tone it down’ after assassination attempt on Trump “Tone it down!” That was the plea from the Republican congressman as he came to grips with the assassination attempt on Donald Trump at a political rally in the area where he grew up.

Nos seus julgamentos civis anteriores, incluindo um enorme caso do fraude qual foi contra ele, Trump usou pausas nos tribunais de modo a organizar conferências de imprensa televisivas, procurando atacar a probidade do tribunal e expor questões no caso.

However, on 11 January 2016, when he began to present himself as a pre-candidate to the Presidency of Brazil, Bolsonaro began to moderate his discourse on gay people by publishing a video on his official YouTube channel:

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